Brake for Breakfast: Learn More about Breast Cancer
September 27, 2017
September 27, 2017
Brake for Breakfast: Learn More about Breast Cancer

Idaho lags behind almost every state for women receiving their mammograms. Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in women, with one in 8 struggling with it during their lifetime. Early detection, most likely found with mammograms, has a 99% survival rate. Nonetheless, cancer has recently replaced cardiovascular disease as the leading cause of death in Idaho. This death rate is directly linked to poor mammogram rates.
For nearly 15 years, we have organized Brake for Breakfast service for about 1500 individuals in Rexburg. Starting this year we would like to more than double our awareness efforts to save more women’s lives through screenings. Furthermore, Teton Radiology recently invested in one of the best new, accurate 3D screening imagery tools. To learn more about Teton Radiology visit:

On October 4th, we will be providing FREE Brake for Breakfast items for nearly 3000 women at the following locations:
Pull up soon to your closest location to Brake for Breakfast and learn more about breast cancer!