Bryan’s Opportunity
Bryan’s Opportunity

Our dear patient, Bryan has started his second treatment of chemotherapy. In the meantime, he has created a blog called as found in the citation above. I like the insight his blog gives me. – I read in a book called “Who moved my Cheese” a certain phrase that is helping me. When you do not fear, you are happy .
Like most young couples, he is from another state here to study at BYUI. He is optimistic about this fight, and hopes to be back to normal soon. Our hearts are filled with compassion towards Bryan and our many other patients that are fighting for their health. We will do our best. We hope that each of you take inspiration from Bryan’s words with your battles and do your best. Bryan, we know that your family lives far from here, but plan on us being there for you… your home away from home and your family away from home. We hope to see you back to your full health in eight months! Follow his blog to receive updates about Bryan.