Eating Healthy Through Winter
Eating Healthy Through Winter

With the cold months approaching, the produce isles will be dropping in fresh products while rising in cost. Eating healthy is important year round, so here is a list of Idaho’s fresh fall and winter fruits and vegetables that will remain affordable and great tasting-
Apples, August through November (cold storage until May)
Beets, June through October
Broccoli, August through November
Cabbage, August through November
Carrots, August through November
Cauliflower, September through November
Celery, August through October
Cilantro, July through October
Chard, July through October
Eggplant, August through October
Fennel, June through October
Grapes, September and October
Green onions/scallions, June through October
Horseradish, September through November
Kale, August through October
Leeks, August through November
Mushrooms (cultivated), year-round
Mushrooms (wild), spring through fall
Onions, August through December (from storage into May)
Oregano, year-round
Parsley, year-round
Parsnips, September and October
Peaches, August through October
Pears, September through November
Peppers (sweet), August through October
Potatoes, available from storage year-round
Pumpkins, September through November
Rutabagas, September and October (available from storage through winter)
Shallots, August through October (from storage through winter)
Squash (winter), August through December
Tomatoes, July through October
Turnips, September through November (available from storage through winter)
Winter Squash, August through December
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