Fire & Smoke Preparedness

September 3, 2015
September 3, 2015

Fire & Smoke Preparedness

The smoke may not be completely gone from the air here in Southern Idaho, but it has certainly cleared up since last week. Once again we can see blue skies without having to squint through the smoke. This is good news not only for the better views but for our health as well. Smokey air can cause health issues. I’m sure most of us were coughing or feeling more lightheaded than usual as we breathed in the smoke. And those with previous breathing problems felt even more side effects.

While times seem to be improving, it doesn’t hurt to be prepared for additional smoke. Right now there are still over 50 wildfires burning throughout the U.S., which can be seen at Since most of them are in Washington, Montana, and Idaho, we need to be prepared if smoke or fires come this way. Attending Idaho PREPAREdness Expo on September 19th can give you ideas and tips for how best to prepare. Whether it’s making your home less flammable or gathering needed supplies, this is an event you don’t want to miss. Even if you’re not interested in fire preparedness, there are other presenters dealing with other issues such as edible wild plants, emergency power, food storage, and so much more. Check out the event details at  and
