June Pulse
June Pulse

Madison Pulse
Employee Summer Party
• July 30, 2014
• 6-8 PM
• Rexburg Rapids
• Employee and Immediate Family only
• Tickets available through Janet Thomas in Administration – must have a ticket to be admitted
• The meal and the Pool passes will be provided by MMH in appreciation of our employees
RSVP [email protected] for Employee Summer Party
New Hires
Sara D – NICU
Rachel M – LDR
Candice K – Med/Surg
Halley P – Environ. Serv.
Morgan A. – Med/Surg
Rachel H – Environ. Serv.
Kariann E – Environ. Serv.
Presley H – Environ. Serv.
Aubry R – Admitting
Brittanee Y – Respiratory
Join the Book Club (July)
This month we will be having a ‘Hospital Book Club’. The book that has been selected is ‘The Last Lecture’ by Randy Pausch. The book will be available in the wellness store. All employees are invited to participate and at the end of July the book club will meet to discuss what they thought of the book. Points are earned towards Wellness Bucks, with 20 points for reading the book and 20 points for participating in the “Book Club.”
Continual Improvement Audit (June 25-26th)
I am very proud of the hospital employees for how they continually conduct themselves. Our Accreditation Body, Det Norske Veritas (DNV), came on Jun 24th and 25th to conduct a surprise survey. We had five corrective actions from last year that they reviewed, and we were able to close four of them. They also identified 11 other corrective actions that we need to work on. We have already begun working on these and I anticipate that we will have little to no problems making the appropriate changes to improve these processes. The two surveyors were very complimentary of our staff. Some of you may wonder why we go through the stress of having external auditors come in and evaluate us. In brief, without someone looking in from the outside, we may find ourselves too comfortable so we don’t meet our Mission and Vision Statement, our three Business Pillars (which acts as our Quality Policy and our definition of how to deliver on our Mission and Vision Statements), and our Hospital Values. If you don’t measure something, you will find that you will never accomplish it. Some people have asked why we opt to be accredited by DNV vs. another accreditation body like the Joint Commission. There are four accreditation bodies that have been approved by Medicare to survey hospitals, so why DNV? It comes down to philosophy. In May 2001, we became the 13th hospital in the United States to become certified to the ISO 9001:2008 standards and DNV has built their surveying process off the ISO standard. ISO is not an accreditation, it is a certification. ISO is all about continual improvement and that is what we want our accreditation body helping us do. We recognize accreditation as a team effort and welcome the surveyors to help us identify noteworthy efforts, areas for improvement, and even corrective actions. Evaluating each of these will advance our organization from a good to a great. Thank you for all that you do to help us to be great! If you have further questions, please feel free to contact Nolan.
CME Program
Madison Memorial Hospital is proud to be an Accredited Continuing Medical Education site for the ACCME and IMA. What does this mean to you, not a physician? The CME program brings monthly (sometimes more) hour-long presentations that are available for anyone to attend and learn more about disease processes and treatment options. The material is formatted for physician learning, however, many of the health professions find these presentations hugely beneficial. Physicians are required to obtain 40 CME hours a year to keep their license, Madison strives to find the most relevant topics that will benefit our physicians.
Caring for Cesarean Training (August)
The Family Maternity Center, Education, and Surgery are excited to announce that starting the beginning of August nurses from both Surgery and Labor will be taking the AORN Periop class to become certified as Periop providers. Nurses from both departments will start a four-week intensive course on taking care of patients before and during Cesarean Section as well as recovery afterward. This improves the “continuity of care” and the exceptional experience for the new mothers who will have the same nurse following them throughout their deliveries. We are extremely lucky to have our own instructors on staff in Surgery and Education who are capable of teaching this course. We have taken on the project in the effort to improve the care and experience of our laboring patients, and at the request of the physicians. Watch for more information as this class rolls out.
Support Cancer Survivors (July 11th)
The American Cancer Society hosts Relay for Life for thousands of both cancer survivors and their supporters each year. Many come just to say “I Survived” and others relay a fantastic story about survival, and the impact cancer had on their lives. Madison Memorial Hospital is proud to be a local sponsor of the event and will be one of the largest supporters this year with more than 20 participants walking. July 11th at the Madison Jr. High School tracks hundreds will gather to walk in support and celebrate the remarkable individuals that have fought cancer.
Dedicated Service
5 years
Doris F – June 3
Patsy Fowler – June 5
Rebecca A – June 22
Jessica P – June 29
Aubrie H – June 30
10 Years
Jennifer I – June 9
Denise K – June 23
Toni F – June 30
Ann M – June 30
15 Years
Linda N – June 23
20 Years
Bart S – July 25