New Year | New Life

January 2, 2015

New Year | New Life

By Perry Shumway
January 2, 2015

New Year | New Life

By Perry Shumway

New Year | New Life

A New Life for this year’s New Year’s Baby joined us. Her Name is Cece. She is a perfect, beautiful, big baby girl with the ability to do so much with her life. The family is happy that Cece arrived with a healthy mother through a natural delivery, even though her big brother came by c-section. This big brother is very excited to have her home. She is surrounded by a loving family and is being spoiled. Her mother stated that she is a tough little cookie, and hopes that she will be this strong all of her life. She also wants her to find and always be herself. Her dad is glad that she is healthy and happy. He is already planning hunting trips with her. 

With this new year, let’s be inspired, and take big steps towards our dreams and our goals. One goal that can help you accomplish everything else in your life is being healthy. Take steps to towards a healthier life by adding some health-related goals to your New Year’s Resolutions. Here are some of my examples that I am implementing:

  • Choose my diet by asking if this food is a fuel that will strengthen my overall health.
  • Plan a favorite adventure per month to exert my body significantly, and exercise 30 minutes per day to prepare for that.
  • Go to bed earlier, and wake up naturally without an alarm to ensure my body is replenished.


With this new year and this new life, commit to a renewed health focus. May your health assist you in your dreams. Welcome to our world Cece. You are lucky to have a loving mother to bless your life, and a father to take you hunting.  

Written by Lucas
