a healthy you
Madisonhealth Blog
1. Reach Dreams Spend some time dreaming. Listen to the story your life is telling. Are you conscientiously writing it? Do you enjoy hearing the stories? What legacy will your life’s story tell? Have you imagined the details of your dreams? Which dream tastes the best? Have you picked your legacy? 2. Set Goals A boy set a goal to become a millionaire. Certainly, this was the greatest mark of success and way to happiness. Upon reaching this goal, he found that it was not his dream. So he spent the rest of his days trying to reach that dream. Because of his patience and discipline, he accomplished great things. Nonetheless, he knew the path he traveled would have changed if he spent all of his days traveling toward his dream. Set goals that reach your dreams. Goals that are based on the outcomes you’d like to reach… your legacy....
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