The Pulse 11/14

November 6, 2014

The Pulse 11/14

By Perry Shumway
November 6, 2014

The Pulse 11/14

By Perry Shumway

 Admin Update

 When danger lurks behind healthcare reforms, have no fear, admin is here.


Employees of the Quarter

Rand R. (Volunteer)

  • Teamwork – I was singularly impressed with Rand’s willingness to give up his personal time to help at the Women’s Health Conference on October 11. On arrival, he immediately asked how he could be of assistance and did a phenomenal job throughout the day, managing class numbers and directing “traffic.”
  • Rand was excited to be a part of this event – believing in its worth to the extent of bringing his mom, who was visiting from Utah, and his girlfriend so that they could benefit from the education offered.
  • Even at the end of a long day, Rand stayed behind to restore rooms to their original state – helping to move furniture, materials, etc
  • Rand was polite and helpful and I observed him on multiple occasions assisting conference attendees find their next class.

Dr. Steven Lofgran

  • Steven Lofgran wears many hats at Madison Memorial Hospital. He is not only the Medical Education Director, he is also our Chief of Staff Elect and serves on the MEC Committee. He also co-chairs various committees and is one of our hospitalists. The Medical Staff Department has had many opportunities to work with him in these roles. The Medical Staff has seen in Dr. Lofgran a love for his patients and fellow physicians. He can always be counted on to step up to the plate and make Team Madison a success!
  • As a nurse, I feel like he will always support us nurses and help us. He gives us the impression we are all part of a team and have one goal. He has never made the impression that he is the boss and we must follow his orders.
  • Steven Lofgran has a genuine concern for the welfare of the patient, nurses and the hospital. He always wants to do what is right, cost-effective, and best for all involved.

Betty Barney

Betty is a super Head of Surgery. She works endless hours for the betterment of the department. Betty has been such a great mentor for me in how a supervisor should conduct their department. It’s wonderful coming to work and having her as a Department Head.

Betty will stay way over her shift if the Operating Room is busy, just to make sure there is enough help. She tries to let everyone have their own opinion and she will respect it. She will spend countless hours on her own time working out situations that may come up.

She takes care of any situations that are brought to her attention with respect and fairness, no matter what the situation may be.

Whitney C.

Whitney always tries to make our job in CSP easier. She is aware of what instruments will be needed for a case and tries not to open unnecessary instruments. Her instruments are always in order.

Whitney is very dependable. She arrives to work on time. She doesn’t gossip. She is willing to help out wherever she can. She doesn’t complain. She is a hard worker.

Whitney works well with other staff. She doesn’t stir up trouble.

Whitney is a pleasure to work with and really knows the word “teamwork.”


Turkey Trot (20 Free tickets)

The first 20 employees to register for the 5k Turkey Trot get in for free. You will also be entered into the drawing for a trip to the Bahamas. We encourage everyone to stay healthier this season and enjoy this fun run.

Madison Photo Contest (prizes)

Let your lens soak in the colors and bring the digital copies in to participate in Madison Employee’s first photo contest. Prizes will be offered. Also, your photo could be featured on our website or in our hospital. Your talents will beautify our hospital! Submitted photos must be taken within a 125-mile radius of Rexburg, and have no people in them. The Deadline for your photo submission is Friday, November 28th. We can’t wait to enjoy more of your skills!

Employee Pharmacy Discount & Benefits

SAVE yourself and your employer money by FILLING ALL employee PRESCRIPTIONS HERE. When prescriptions are filled other places, an extra $15 per transaction is charged. Our pharmacy eliminates this transaction fee on each prescription. Furthermore, together we can keep the costs of our premiums down through less insurance usage. Find examples of savings to you below, & please stay here.

Employee Savings Tier 1 generics Tier 2 brand Tier 3 brand
Copay 3 months $10 20% or $300 max 40% or $450 max
Retail Copay 3 months $15 30% or $375 max 50% or $525 max

Additional Examples of savings on a Tier 2 drug:
Novolog prefilled syringe – one month supply
Cost to employee at MMH pharmacy = $69.26
Cost to employee at retail pharmacy = $125.00

As an employee, get your OTC drugs any time with Instymed in the ER. Open to the general public after business hours. 

Awarded an “A”

We were honored with an “A” grade in the Fall 2014 Hospital Safety Score, which rates how well hospitals protect patients from errors, injuries and infections. The Hospital Safety Score is compiled and administered by The Leapfrog Group.

 The Hospital Safety Score uses 28 measures of publicly available hospital safety data to produce a single “A,” “B,” “C,” “D,” or “F” score representing a hospital’s overall capacity to keep patients safe from preventable harm. More than 2,500 U.S. general hospitals were assigned scores in fall 2014, with about 31-percent receiving an “A” grade.

 “We have taken new strides to monitor the care of our patients.  They are depending on us to give them the best care possible. For this reason, our processes are constantly being evaluated and improved upon”, says Nolan Bybee, Risk Manager and Compliance Director at Madison Memorial.

 “We have been very proactive in applying best practices in the industry by building relations with other institutions, namely Eastern Idaho Regional Medical Center and University of Utah Healthcare. Our philosophy is that through working and learning together will improve healthcare services for everyone”, commented Dr. Rachel Gonzales, Chief Executive Officer at Madison Memorial Hospital.     

 “Patient safety needs to be a 24-7 priority for hospitals, as errors and infections are all too common and often deadly,” said Leah Binder, president and CEO of The Leapfrog Group, which administers the Hospital Safety Score. “We commend the ‘A’ hospitals, such as Madison Memorial, for helping raise the standards of healthcare nationwide, and demonstrating that they’ve made the well-being of patients a top priority.”

Halloween Contest Winners

We are grateful for your participation in this year’s Madison Halloween Costume Contest! We are all Winners, so I may just leave us with that… ok, I guess you want the results. Start the drum roll by stomping your feet on the ground, and hitting your desk with your hands. Let your heart race wildly in anticipation to know the winners. Take a few deep breaths now. The first place winner goes to army admin. The second place winner goes to Mario, Princess Peach, and Luigi. The third place winner goes to Lisa Jackson… Thank you, Thank you very much!

Bake Off

1. Best Halloween/Autumn Theme – Kathy M. (Jack-O-Lantern Cheeseball)
2. Most Delectable Dessert – Nolan B. (Crème Brule)
3. Tastiest Variety – Penny B. (Halloween Goody Plate)
4. Creepiest Entry – Janell O. (Kitty Litter Cake)
5. “Mint” to Win – Marie B. (Fudge)

Pumpkin Carving

1. Best Carving – Sue S.

Employee Recognition Party

The Employee Recognition Party will be December 3.  Meals will be served at 11 a.m. for the day shift and 5:30 p.m. for the night shift folks. We are grateful for the service each of you give to keep our hospital doors open every day and night since the beginning. We appreciate the big and small things each of you do to make our hospital wonderful helping everyone enjoy an exceptional experience, overall high quality, and ensuring Madison’s future!

Steps to Success 


Money raised through fundraising efforts purchases teddy bears for each child who is a patient at Madison Memorial Hospital.  Thank you for supporting Madison Memorial Hospital fundraising events.  The children appreciate it too.

November 6th – 18th Thanksgiving Pie Fundraiser

Expect an email from Kyle later today!

November 17th – 24th Movie Ticket Fundraiser

Fat Cats Movie Ticket Fundraiser!

Better NICU Care

It all started when Danny came to the Foundation Board meeting and asked for help to purchase respiratory equipment.  The Foundation funded one of the ventilators that he had asked for but they still needed some equipment for the NICU.  As I was researching online, I found that the Will Rogers Institute had a foundation that funded  NICU Respiratory equipment.  Danny, Shaunna, Terri, and I went to work as a committee and we wrote a grant for  $49,288.24 for equipment for the NICU.

When the Will Rogers Institute first met and decided on funding, they initially awarded us $10,000.00, which we were very grateful for.  Then we didn’t hear from them for a while and so I made a phone call and talked to Samantha at the Will Rogers Institute.  She asked me some questions about our need for the equipment that we had originally requested.  I answered as many as I could but not being a clinically trained professional I told her that I would have someone call her that could answer her questions.  This was a Friday afternoon when almost everyone had gone home.  I went searching for someone and found Bob Kendrick in his office and explained the situation and he made a call right then and answered their questions.  The following Monday Samantha at Will Rogers Institute called saying that our grant award amount had been changed from $10,000.00 to $49,000.00.           

At the present time, we keep babies born at 32 weeks gestation and up. Our goal is to be able to keep babies born at 30 weeks gestation and up. We are going to continue to work and prepare towards someday in the next year or two that we can be a facility that cares for 28 weeks of gestation babies. With this new equipment, the goal is possible soon.

With this grant money, we have been able to purchase a top of the line neonatal ventilator, a neonatal echocardiogram transducer that we actually have been using with our top of the line Echocardiogram ultrasound machine. This new transducer has made a tremendous improvement with the images in helping treat and diagnose cardiac issues. Also, we have purchased equipment to help provide Bubble Cpap therapy as well as equipment to help with Vapotherm HI-Flo therapy. We also have purchased 7 new neonatal stethoscopes.  Below is a breakdown of the equipment and the cost of the purchases.

  1. Avea Ventilator – $31,410.84
  2. VapoTherm Hi-Flo machines w/stands – $7,474.80
  3. 2 Heaters and accessories for Bubble CPAP therapy – $2,768.84
  4. Neonatal Echocardiogram Transducer Probe – $6,815

Total $49,098.59

     We are so excited and motivated to do as much as we can in providing new services and treatments for our local patients and families to be able to stay here at Madison Memorial Hospital instead of having to be transferred elsewhere because we don’t provide a specific service.  This grant has actually provided a way that we can achieve that goal.  Appreciation and a big thank you to the Will Rogers Institute for their donation and hard work in making this all happen.


Employee Influenza/N-95 Mask/PPE Training

Fellow MMH Employees,
The long-awaited influenza vaccine has arrived and the following dates and time have been scheduled for providing the N-95 mask test fitting, influenza vaccinations, and PPE training. Yes, there are lots of things that are being done at the same time, but because of the time restraints and an increase in what we have to do, please help us get this completed by November 30, 2014. We did a great job last year, and we want it perfect again this year. 

• All clinics will be held in the Ping Pong room.
• The House Supervisors will come around at night to do night shift personnel who cannot get away for clinics.
• Infusion Therapy will be offering influenza vaccinations and Tdap vaccination every Wednesday through Friday from 08:00 – 17:00. You need to call extension 8101 before going to Infusion for immunizations.
• One of the most important things to remember is that you must be registered in Meditech to receive the vaccinations so documentation can be made of you receiving them.

Clinic Dates/Time:• Nov. 5, 2014 13:00 – 16:00

• Nov. 5, 2014 17:00 – 20:00
• Nov. 6, 2014 07:00 – 10:00
• Nov. 6, 2014 14:00 – 17:00
• Nov. 10, 2014 08:30 – 11:30
• Nov. 10, 2014 15:30 – 18:30
• Nov. 12, 2014 13:00 – 16:00
• Nov. 12, 2014 17:00 – 20:00
• Nov. 13, 2014 17:30 – 20:30
• Nov. 17, 2014 07: 00 – 10:00
• Nov 17, 2014 14:00 – 17:00
• Nov. 18, 2014 19:00 – 21:00
• Nov. 19, 2014 09:30 – 12:30
• Nov. 19, 2014 13:30 – 16:30
• Nov. 20, 2014 08:30 – 11:30
• Nov. 21, 2014 15:30 – 18:30
• Nov. 24, 2014 10:00 – 13:00
• Nov. 24, 2014 16:00 – 19:00
• Nov. 25, 2014 08:00 – 11:00
• Nov. 25, 2014 19:00 – 21:00
• Nov. 26, 2014 07:30 – 10:30
• Infusion Therapy: Every Wed – Fri 08:00 – 17:00 (call 8101 before going)
• Night Shift/Weekends As needed by House Supervisors in departments

– Luann
