Time to Take Care of Me
Time to Take Care of Me

Getting Healthy
Madison Memorial Hospital has lost 452 pounds during the last four weeks of our Biggest Loser Contest. Our biggest loser this past week was Janet. Janet lost 3.5% of her body weight last week. How did she do it?
Congratulations Janet!!!
Janet has worked for Madison Memorial Hospital for 31 years. She struggles with diabetes, blood clots, and high blood pressure. Her excess weight prohibits her from many activities and aggravates health issues.
One of the biggest changes that she feels like contributes to her overall success is replacing pop with water. Her favorite pop is Diet Sunkist Orange. Her treats are now replaced with Naartjies (for further enlightenment ask Audrey Fletcher).
The next step Janet has taken is becoming more active. She has a parking permit for handicap parking but now prefers to park further away in order to stay active. She has been on a walker for 7 years. One of the things that has helped her is the following attitude:
“It is time to take care of me in order to still be alive and employed… especially to enjoy my grandchildren.”
Janet states that if you try and you succeed you have succeeded. If you try to succeed and you fail, you still have another opportunity to try to succeed.
If you missed “Online Secrets to a Healthier Life”
Here’s what we discussed
MedlinePlus is a website created for consumers by the U.S. National Library of Medicine at the National Institutes of Health. It is a great resource that can help answer questions and also help you create questions as you discuss your health with your doctor. Click on the picture to go to the site.
We also discussed this great resource for understanding our kids’ health needs. It is great for adults wanting to learn about their kids’ health. It is also very interactive for kids and teens that want to learn about their own bodies. Click on picture to go the site.