Samantha’s Eyes on the Prize

February 13, 2015

Samantha’s Eyes on the Prize

By Perry Shumway
February 13, 2015

Samantha’s Eyes on the Prize

By Perry Shumway

Eyes on the Prize

SamanthaMadison Memorial Hospital has lost almost 400 pounds during the last three weeks. Our biggest loser this past week was Samantha with a  2.4% drop in her body mass. How did she do it? In her own words, Samantha explained what she did below:

Congratulations Samantha!!!

“I’ve been watching what I’m eating and making sure that I eat breakfast and work out 3 days a week or more.” She has also found some success in counting calories and waking up early. As with all goals and lifestyle changes we need something or someone to motivate us. Her sister Heidi is her motivation, Heidi also works here at the hospital in HIM. After attending Gwen’s meeting two weeks ago she has been trying to complete the healthy eating recommendations. Besides going to Gwen’s meeting on “Secrets on Winning the Biggest Loser”  she attended Dirks “Creative with Exercise Bands”.  She shared some words of encouragement for anyone that it is trying to lose weight, “Keep up the Good Work! Don’t feel bad if you gain because you always can get back on track and generate the motivation to succeed!” Click Here to schedule an appointment with our weight loss specialist. 

Online Secrets to a Healthier Life

This Friday, February 20th in the Meeting Room

at 11:30 AM – 12:00 PM

First 5 Minutes Zumba Exercise

Learn the best online secrets to better your health

Goal for Health Results

Here’s a visual of our progress thus far on our goal of 1800 pounds- 

This week we lost a combined total of 51.9 pounds

In Case you missed Dirks “Creative with Exercise Bands”

Resistance exercises will help build muscle and increase metabolism. When you do this kind of exercise with resistance bands be sure that you are doing it at your level of intensity and with your level of resistance. If you try to do the exercise at a higher intensity or higher resistance you run the risk of injury. 

Tabata training is another supplement to any weight loss program. Tabata training is a sequence of 4 mins of intense workout in 20 second intervals. When doing this kind of training remember, it is high intensity, so only go to your level and then rest for 10 seconds. As with any high-intensity workout, this type of exercise is recommended only once a day. Experimenting with bands for week or two will greatly add to your weight loss goals.

For any questions stop by therapy office.

Here’s an example of an Extended Tabata Workout

Prepared by Tim
