Health Tip: Eat Less Salt

February 20, 2019

Health Tip: Eat Less Salt

By Aaron Jencks
February 20, 2019

Health Tip: Eat Less Salt

By Aaron Jencks

(HealthDay News) — Everyone needs some salt to help maintain the body’s balance of fluids. But too much salt may cause you to retain fluids and raise your blood pressure, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration warns.
About 75 percent of the salt you consume is from processed foods, the FDA says.

The agency offers these tips to lower salt intake:

    • Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables.
    • Eat foods that are rich in potassium, including leafy green veggies and bananas. Potassium can help lessen the effects of sodium on blood pressure.
    • Season food with herbs and spices, instead of salt.
    • Opt for unsalted snacks.
    • Read food labels and select foods low in sodium.

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