Health Tip: Safely Remove a Splinter

January 30, 2019

Health Tip: Safely Remove a Splinter

By Aaron Jencks
January 30, 2019

Health Tip: Safely Remove a Splinter

By Aaron Jencks

(HealthDay News) — When a thin piece of wood, glass or metal gets embedded within the top layers of your skin, you know how annoying and painful a splinter can be.
The U.S. Library of Medicine suggests how to remove a splinter safely:

    • Sterilize a pin or needle by soaking it in rubbing alcohol or by placing the tip in a flame.
    • Wash your hands with soap.
    • Use the pin or needle to gently remove skin over the splinter.
    • Then use the tip of the pin to lift the end of the splinter out.
    • You may need to use tweezers to pull out the splinter after you lift it.

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