How to Stay Heart-Healthy?

February 23, 2016

How to Stay Heart-Healthy?

By Perry Shumway
February 23, 2016

How to Stay Heart-Healthy?

By Perry Shumway
two elderly people stretching

Heart-Healthy Exercises

The Idea of exercising everyday sounds amazing, but in reality, doing it seems hard. I am sure we all have found ourselves occupied with anything and everything else but exercise.

Most of us start a fitness plan by purchasing a pair of new running shoes or exercise equipment, which usually stay unused. It’s time to change our habits and mindset. Please know that you are not the only one who struggles with it; in this we are all together. We don’t have to do an intense workout, such as running a marathon. It all starts with small and simple steps.

Below are some helpful guidelines provided by about how to perform those activities without the hassle of going to the gym:

  • Take a walk outside if it’s a nice day, or walk inside around the house if it isn’t. Walk fast enough to speed up your heart rate and break a sweat.
  • Walk up and down your stairs. Take every other step to give your legs a good workout.
  • Turn on the radio and dance in the house, alone or with a partner.
  • Do jumping jacks or jog in place while you’re watching TV. Try to keep moving for at least 10 minutes.
  • Do squats when lifting and putting away groceries, or when picking up your children. Bend with your knees and keep your back straight so you don’t hurt yourself.
  • Grab an object like a soup can if you’re just starting to exercise or a jug of water if you’re stronger. Bend at your elbows to curl your hand to shoulder level. Repeat 10 to 12 times or until you can’t do it anymore.

Pick one activity and do it, it doesn’t matter which one, as long as you are moving you are getting your workout done. So, Keep Moving, and Keep Staying Heart-Healthy!


