Larsen Family Maternity Center

August 13, 2014
August 13, 2014

Larsen Family Maternity Center

Larsen Family Heading

Alma & Lydia Larsen

Recently, Madison’s Family Maternity Center was named the Larsen Family Maternity Center in honor of Alma & Lydia Larsen. The Larsens generously contributed to the Madison Foundation for this naming opportunity. The foundation uses these funds to better serve the health needs of our community with our hospital. A few examples include the Family Maternity Center’s canopied entrance with heated sidewalks to keep families safe as they enter. Funds also were used to supply the Maternity Center with new and additional equipment. The generosity of the Larsen family not only honored their grandparents with this naming opportunity, but will bless children from around the world who are born at our specialized delivery center.


Alma & Lydia carried a legacy of faith, service, sacrifice, and dedication to their family and this community. Alma and his parents, who were Norwegian immigrants, were among the first settlers in the Rexburg area. Alma married Lydia in 1904. After their first son Gerald was born, Alma served an LDS mission in Scandinavia. This sacrifice was the beginning of a lifetime of service and sacrifice. Just over two years later, Alma returned and made plans to buy ground for dry farming in the Ashton area. Their plans were overturned when he lost his eyesight. Lydia’s quiet strength and devotion to her husband became even more evident. She acted as her husband’s eyes as they ran a farm, tirelessly served in the community, and raised six kids (Gerald, Melvin, Melva, Gladys, Marjorie, and Velma). In 1934, Alma was called as a Patriarch in the LDS Church, and gave over 3,500 patriarchal blessings and thousands of other personal blessings before his death in 1966 at the age of 91. Their examples of generosity and service are etched into the fabric of their posterity.


The employees of the hospital and each of us as community members thank the Larsen Family and all those who give to the hospital foundation. A special thanks to Richard and Peggy Larsen and their children for their sacrifice and this special gift given.I’d also like to thank the Larsen Family for helping me decide the name of my coming baby girl.

Sincerely, Lucas Handy
