The Pulse Madison
The Pulse Madison

Madison Pulse
Life Saved Close to Home
A life saved touches us close to home. Cameron Brown’s wife received CPR while working at Kershaw Elementary in Sugar City. Her life was saved due to the quick response of 7 co-workers. The MMH Education Department recognized these individuals at an assembly held at the school on May 28th. Susan and Heather from Education expressed gratitude for the willingness to step up and quickly respond in a crisis situation. Personalized certificates were presented to each rescuer.
Expanded Services
MMH has expanded laboratory and radiology services to Teton Medical Group/Teton Urgent Care. We are excited for this new expansion. Employees who wish medical assistance at this facility will receive the same discounts on these services as they do here at MMH.
March of Dimes – for Babies
On Saturday, May 31st our NICU staff partnered with EIRMC to sponsor this fundraising event at Snake River Landing in Idaho Falls. Shauna R., Terri W., Kristine D., Karen N., and Robyn B. participated in the event by manning various activities and games. MMH sponsored the lunch and cooked 500 hot dogs.
Employees of the Quarter
Employee – Janet
“I have never seen Janet refuse to help anyone, in any department. She jumps right in. If she doesn’t know the answer, she doesn’t quit until she finds it out, this is way above and beyond in what I see of many people.”
“Her compassion and love of people is expressed every day in the deeds she does that are seen, and those that no one knows about but her. In all her years here I don’t think she has ever been recognized or thanked for the many contributions she has made to MMH.”
Manager – Kim
“Kim has headed up ‘The Pulse’ and is working hard to get it up and running. She takes initiative to arrange the meetings and make assignments. She cares about information getting to the employees, which is her motivation for ‘The Pulse.’”
“Kim is reliable and honest. You can count on her to do what she commits to.”
“Kim is great at involving others and getting people to participate. This is because she is a team player herself. She encourages others rather than discourages them.”
“Kim cares deeply about her career, the success of the hospital, and the people. She is always respectful of others and is a great example of someone who truly cares.”
Volunteer – Josh
“Josh is an excellent volunteer. He always keeps himself busy trying to help the patients, the nurses, and everyone around him.”
“Josh is the type of person that you don’t have to worry about. He is not going to do anything to hurt the hospital and its reputation. He is the type of volunteer we wish they all could be like.”
“Josh is a great team player and works hard to help everyone get done what is needed”
“We had some great feedback from his services when the administration and director teams have done rounding. There was so much the patients had to say about his caring and respectful service.”
Physician – Dr Bates
“Night or day, he is always pleasant and helpful. He always listens to concerns or problems and follows up.”
“He is always honest and upfront with patients and their families.”
“He always involves staff, makes us all feel equal to him. He is always concerned about others feelings If nurses have concerns about a patient, he listens to them and will always look into it. He never disregards their concern.”
“He treats everyone: staff, patients, and families with respect and caring. When in normal settings (grocery store, downtown, a restaurant) he always goes out of his way to say hi and ask about family events.”
“He always goes the extra mile in all he does. He is happy to help. His calm demeanor makes all those around him happy.”
“He is honest in his dealings and is willing to help and teach.”
“He gets everyone involved and works with them to create learning opportunities.”
“Dr. Bates. . . What more can I say!
Upcoming Events
June 14 –Teton Dam Marathon
16 MMH employees, making up 3 teams, will be participating in the 26.4 mile Corporate Challenge Marathon representing our hospital. Team names: (1) Dam Pharmacy, (2) Young and the Rest of Us, (3) MMH Six Pack. We wish them all the best.
June 20 – Farmers Market
Our Education Department will have a series of booths providing information and screenings for our community. We will also be giving out information about our upcoming Patient Portal.
July 4 – 4th of July Parade
MMH Float Committee is in the process of putting together a float for the parade. The theme is “We the People”. Be watching for it in the parade.
July 11-12 – Relay for Life
Bryan Larson is team captain for the MMH Team to raise money for cancer. We will be helping raise funds by serving roast beef sandwiches at the event. Come and support the cause and our team.
Employee Recognition
5 years
Lori H – May 11
10 Years
Melissa S – May 5
25 Years
Lynette B – May 18
30 Years
Janet T – May