Our Staffing Standard Goal: MedSurg/ICU Leads the Way
Our Staffing Standard Goal: MedSurg/ICU Leads the Way

As you are (hopefully) aware, our 2024 strategic plan includes seven goals, one of which is tied to Pride Initiative F.3.1. In that initiative (and its accompanying WIG), we aim to improve the variance against our staffing standard as a way to help us remain profitable and thereby contribute toward ensuring the organization’s future. A committee overseeing this important goal has met with every Mh department, working with managers and directors to determine how to meet the initiative.
One department in particular has stood out thus far, in accomplishing this vital objective. MedSurg/ICU, under the direction of Angie Hathaway and Stephanie Hart, has made huge strides in trimming staffing hours to meet the standard. For the first time in a year, the department’s staffing levels were actually within their department’s standard.
Last year, an external consulting firm was utilized to provide Mh leadership with benchmarking statistics, including direct comparisons of staffing levels between ourselves and other, similar organizations. Based on the results of this study, our Admin team updated our staffing standards and issued the challenge for each department to adhere to them. Monthly reporting shows staffing levels and helps us know whether we’re hitting the target.
“Unlike last year, we’ve begun sharing the results in our UBC meetings, every month,” said Angie Hathaway, Director of MedSurg/ICU. “ I think that showing the actual data, rather than just talking about things, has been very motivational.”
“Our QTLs are really the ones who are driving the success,” added Stephanie Hart, Manager of MedSurg/ICU. “They’re focusing on three things. First, the nurse-to-patient ratio during low-census times, which means QTLs have to be willing to send nurses home. Second, putting nurses on call, rather than having them come in, helps keep our numbers in line. And, third, QTLs are willing to take patients themselves, often toward the end of a shift, to prevent having to call another nurse in.”
“Our entire staff has been willing to be flexible, and sometimes make personal sacrifices,” said Angie. “It has made all the difference. We’re so proud of our team, and their willingness to communicate, and work together, to help our department reach this important milestone.”
For other Mh departments which may be struggling to meet the staffing standards, Angie and Stephanie and their QTLs are available to provide suggestions and encouragement. Working together, we can all make a difference as we, as an organization, meet this pride initiative and do our part, department by department, to help keep Madisonhealth stable and strong for the future.