Madison Collaborates for Top Results
Madison Collaborates for Top Results

Madison Collaborates with Top Results
Dec. 17th, 2013 – Administrative teams from Madison and the University of Utah formalized collaboration alliances for better Health Care at Madison Memorial Hospital. The experience was remarkable as each CEO made plans to work together as organizations for better patient results.
University of Utah Medical Center is the Intermountain West’s only academic healthcare system. As healthcare continues to change at unprecedented rates. This team of CEO’s and their organizations will innovate and learn together to improve results for our patients. Patients will also have access to equipment and specialty care at better times,
places, with the right information.
As Channel 6 stated in their coverage of our event – It all comes down to economics. An economist would call this supply and demand. A hospital administrator would call this critical mass of patients. It basically means that you won’t find a regional burn unit in Driggs, or a level-1 trauma center in Arco anytime soon.
The Value Model: The Best Quality – The Best Service – The Best Price, is just one of the many projects we are working with U of U in a learning environment for better patient care delivery.
Imagine you have a rare life-threatening condition. Your family doctor may have never dealt with this. You are referred to a specialist in Idaho Falls, who refers you to another specialist in Salt Lake. Would you prefer that these doctors collaborate as a team for the best results with many of the best resources available in the Intermountain West? Formalizing collaboration efforts is the start of this transformation. This will give patients access to specialized care that can be treated locally.
Already there are upgrades and plans to enhance access to specialized expertise, treatment, and equipment that are shared with recent technology advancements. Possibilities of continued access to education, training for our employees, and experts in fields that will enhance our treatment plans.
If you have any ideas that you would like to suggest for our collaboration efforts, please complete the form below. Each suggestion will be referred to our administration team.
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