Women’s Health Conference Attractions

October 10, 2014

Women’s Health Conference Attractions

By Perry Shumway
October 10, 2014

Women’s Health Conference Attractions

By Perry Shumway

We are excited for The Women’s Health Conference tomorrow. You will take with you a deeper understanding, as well as a delicious breakfast (Yogurt, Fruit, and a muffin); and lunch (chicken salad, fruit cup, and a cookie). You may also come home with some of the Giveaway items:

– iPod shuffle 

– iPod

– Colonoscopy (screening, physician services, anesthesiologist services covered by Madison Surgery Center)

– Booster Seat (Thanks to Mead Johnson)

– Stroller (Thanks to Mead Johnson)

– Pack and Play (Thanks to Mead Johnson)

– and more

We hope that you are as excited as we are. Bring your friends, and we’ll see you tomorrow. 


Madison Memorial Hospital
