Biggest Loser Competition Winner – Rosa!

November 1, 2015

Biggest Loser Competition Winner – Rosa!

By Perry Shumway
November 1, 2015

Biggest Loser Competition Winner – Rosa!

By Perry Shumway

The Madison Memorial staff has lost over 500 pounds through our Biggest Loser competition!

Congratulations Rosa for being our winner!

How did she do it? This was her comment on the Biggest Loser Challenge: “Two years ago I was diagnosed with high blood pressure. Given the option of taking medicine or trying to make a lifestyle change, I went with trying to live a healthier life. Just telling myself I was going to lose weight has never really worked in the past so I decided to go about it by setting little goals for myself and trying to win the war one little battle at a time. Instead of a daily soda I would have one a week and replace the soda with water, I would add more fruits and vegetables into my diet, my husband and I would split meals when we went out, and I would try to stay active by running and going to the gym. It didn’t happen overnight and there was a lot of work involved by my blood pressure is down and I feel so much better. Every day at the hospital I see people with limitations because of their health and I don’t want that to be me. Someday I want to be able to run and play with my grandkids, travel with my husband, and keep hiking to the top of Table Mountain every summer and this was my start to making sure I can do it.”

Thanks to everyone who participated in the competition and for increasing your wellness!

