Perry Shumway
Madisonhealth Blog
At Madison Memorial Hospital we want our patients and our employees to make healthy choices. The foods we eat largely impact the lifestyle we live. Strive to make good healthy choices each and every day! A message to our community and to our staff!
Eating Falafels is a Healthy Treat!
Come enjoy Hot and Spicy Falafels with Tzatziki Sauce in the meeting room between 12 and 1 pm with Madison’s Renowned Dietitian Carol.
At Madison, we promise to recognize that each interaction is a moment in time – an opportunity to enhance a person’s day.
Kindness is one of the Values we Strive for at Madison Memorial Hospital.
What does compassion mean at Madison Memorial?
The literal meaning of compassion is, “a feeling of deep sympathy and sorrow for another who is stricken by misfortune, accompanied by a strong desire to alleviate the suffering.”
Knowing that compassion is a ‘strong desire to alleviate the suffering,’ it would be extremely important that the people who attend those at hospitals would have a heart of compassion.
Find a compassion poster in the halls of Madison Memorial and write what compassion means to you.
Prescription Drug Addiction Protection
Rexburg Police Department, Madison County Community Council, and Madison Memorial Hospital Work together to prevent prescription addiction and crimes. Drop your drugs off today in front of Madison Memorial Hospital before 2:00 pm, or any day at the Rexburg Police Department.
Prescription Drug Disposal Program’s purpose is to protect households from prescription drug risks. Please dispose of your drugs properly with the help of Rexburg Police Department. Do not put them in your trash, or down the drain. This can cause further damage to the water or risk from rummaging addicts.
Madison Memorial Hospital receives pay based from performance measures. CNO Bob Kendrick explains these measures.
Laughter Is the Best Medicine.
Why Laughter?
- relaxes the whole body
- boosts the immune system
- triggers the release of endorphins
- protects the heart
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