Perry Shumway

Madisonhealth Blog

At Madison Memorial Hospital we want our patients and our employees to make healthy choices. The foods we eat largely impact the lifestyle we live. Strive to make good healthy choices each and every day! A message to our community and to our staff!

Eating Falafels is a Healthy Treat!

Come enjoy Hot and Spicy Falafels with Tzatziki Sauce in the meeting room between 12 and 1 pm with Madison’s Renowned Dietitian Carol.


Falafels with Tzatziki Recipe


At Madison, we promise to recognize that each interaction is a moment in time – an opportunity to enhance a person’s day.


Kindness is one of the Values we Strive for at Madison Memorial Hospital.




Idaho and Wyoming continue to fall short of the national average for the number of women getting their recommended mammogram check-ups. There are hundreds of explanations as to why, such as not being insured, not knowing the age to begin getting mammograms, or being unaware of the preventative treatments available. But all of these explanations can be worked around, there is no excuse powerful enough to completely hinder you. Some may argue that mammograms do not prevent cancer, so why should they bother getting them? Even though the procedure may not do anything to reduce your risk of developing cancer, mammograms can detect potential cancer threats before they’re even physically noticeable. This can help women begin treatment before the problem grows to advanced stages. We can also help women begin getting preventative tests like mammograms by spreading information and awareness. If everyone in the Teton Region Pinky Promised to talk...
In 2012, 200 women died from breast cancer in Idaho and Wyoming. According to the Institute for Women’s Policy Research, approximately four in five (80.9%) women in the United States aged 50 and older report having had a mammogram in the past two years. Massachusetts (89.5%), the District of Columbia (86.3%), and Rhode Island (86.2%) have the largest shares of women who have had a breast cancer screening. Oklahoma (73.4%), Idaho (72.4%), and Wyoming (70.6%) have the smallest shares. The American Cancer Society gives lower numbers, saying that the highest states are Massachusetts (72%), Delaware (68%), and Rhode Island (67%). The lowest states were Idaho (49%) and Wyoming (47%). A potential reason why the numbers are so different is that the American Cancer Society study included women 40 and older, instead of the usual 50 and older. Regardless of the exact numbers, both these sources show that Idaho and Wyoming are falling behind in regular...

Come enjoy the Wellness Lunch Date and learn from Dietitians!

Happy Pioneer Day If your family has been in the West for a few generations, there is a chance that you have some pioneer ancestors; so I found. William Handy, my 3rd great grandpa, came to join the Mormons that settled in this area from Warwickshire, England. He remained here half of a decade before returning to Iowa with his bride, leaving the Mormons. Recently, I visited Martin’s Cove, where William stayed a winter. They ended up having to eat saddles, moccasins, and old cowhide to survive. They also befriended the Indians and anyone that might help them survive. On his way to Salt Lake City with the Hunt company, they met the handcart companies that were dying daily for lack of food and the harsh cold. He chose to remain with Dan Jones and twenty other men near Devil’s gate, at the end of the prairie lands. Then he sent his wagon with...

Prescription Drug Addiction Protection

Rexburg Police Department, Madison County Community Council, and Madison Memorial Hospital Work together to prevent prescription addiction and crimes. Drop your drugs off today in front of Madison Memorial Hospital before 2:00 pm, or any day at the Rexburg Police Department.

Prescription Drug Disposal Program’s purpose is to protect households from prescription drug risks. Please dispose of your drugs properly with the help of Rexburg Police Department. Do not put them in your trash, or down the drain. This can cause further damage to the water or risk from rummaging addicts.

Laughter Is the Best Medicine.

Why Laughter?
  • relaxes the whole body
  • boosts the immune system
  • triggers the release of endorphins
  • protects the heart

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