Perry Shumway

Madisonhealth Blog

Breast Cancer: There is Hope It all started with a lump.  While performing a routine self breast exam, Heather Bagley’s mother experienced what every woman dreads. Finding a lump can terrify a woman for obvious reasons. Breast cancer is the most frequently diagnosed cancer for women. Prospects of surgery, radically altered body image, and changes in personal relationships can all be daunting. In part because of those fears, too many women don’t perform self-exams or get regular mammograms after age 40. Unfortunately, according to the National Breast Cancer Foundation, one in eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer. Health care specialists at Teton Radiology and Madison Memorial Hospital wish women would realize the magnitude of that mistake because it has a direct impact on survival rates.  Cancer survival rates are frequently measured in increments of five years. For example, an 80 percent 5-year survival rate would mean that five years after diagnosis, 80 out of 100 patients are still...
Skin Cancer: More Likely than All Other Cancers Combined When Madison School District invited local health care providers to offer screenings at the upcoming Community Wellness Fair, Brett Bagley, PA-C and owner of Fall Creek Skin and Health, jumped at the chance. He wants people to understand that the survival rate for melanoma skin cancer is nearly 98 percent. He wants people to get screenings because screenings save lives. Healthcare professionals didn’t understand skin cancer nearly as well back in 1979 when Randall Raschke thought nothing of the lesion next to his eye. Even when it grew large enough for him to feel every time he blinked, he wasn’t worried.  Lacking modern technology and levels of training, Raschke’s dermatologist didn’t even feel the lesion needed to be studied further after he removed it in a standard procedure. It wasn’t until a year later when other health issues began to arise...
Postpartum Depression When one considers the happiness and excitement of the birth of a child, there usually aren’t expectations of doubt and sadness along with these positive emotions. However, that is what Sally felt. According to Sally, “When I recapped all the times I could recall myself crying, it was quite often. I would just have, I guess, emotional breakdowns for no apparent reason.” Postpartum depression (PPD) is depression which arises after birth and affects approximately one in nine women, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. While it is a prevalent issue, PPD is treatable with medication, counseling, and/or other effective treatments prescribed by a healthcare provider. A critical issue with PPD, however, is that it is often left untreated. This may be due to the mother believing her negative feelings will abate over time or due to improper interpersonal communication where support is not given. If...
Why Screening? I was preparing for my wedding four years ago, I began to experience mild numbness and tingling in my hands. The sensation wouldn’t dissipate, and coworkers’ opinions and stories about conditions such as diabetes and heart disease weren’t helping. The longer the numbness lasted, the greater my anxiety grew. Was something seriously wrong? Would the happy future I was envisioning as my wedding date drew closer be compromised by a health condition of which I was unaware? Had I not been experiencing intense uncertainty, I probably wouldn’t have cared that my office was offering biometric screenings for all employees. But health was on my mind, and my worries drove me to set an appointment. The screening was surprisingly short and simple. It was painless. Taken together, the questions and general procedures I completed lasted no more than 15 minutes. The results, however, brought lasting peace of mind. Screenings...

Lab Tech Week – Lab Test

Follow your lab test from blood draw to the results at Madison Memorial Hospital. A special thanks to Laboratory for preparing this video, and each of our awesome employees working in Madison Memorial Hospital Laboratory!

To our valued patients, The following message is intended for those of you that purchase insurance on Idaho’s health insurance exchange (, especially those of you who subscribe to Blue Cross Qualified Health Plans (insurance on the exchange and individual plans). This message does not pertain to those of you who participate through your employer’s Blue Cross group plan or Blue Cross managed Medicare. Open enrollment on the health insurance exchange ends on January 31, 2017. At this point, we are not sure if there is going to be a repeal or if a repeal and replace is waiting in the wings. Either way, we want to share some things we have learned regarding health insurance sold on the exchange that affects our communities:   If you were enrolled on the exchange in 2016, you may have been automatically renewed under the same insurance plan you had last year. If...

Lt Smooth

As a proud Sponsor of Lt Smooth, we encourage you to attend this free event.

Congratulates McDaniel Family!!! The newest member of your family is our New Year’s baby. Alicia and Benjamin are the proud parents of a beautiful 7 lbs. and 10 oz. baby boy. He is 20 inches long and they are naming him Samson McDaniel. He was born at 9:00 a.m. on January 1, 2017. He joins the McDaniel family with 6 brothers and sisters. Madison Memorial congratulated the McDaniel family with gifts compliments of the hospital and area businesses. “We are excited for Alicia and Benjamin for their new addition to the family. We thank them for letting us be a part of this special event and wish them the very best in the future,” says Public Relations spokesman Doug McBride.

2017 New Years Baby

LUANN DIXON EARNS CERTIFIED INFECTION CONTROL CREDENTIAL Milwaukee, WI – CBIC has announced that LuAnn Dixon, Infection Control Prevention of Madison Memorial Hospital has earned the Certified in Infection Control (CIC®) credential and has demonstrated a mastery of infection prevention and control knowledge by taking and passing this comprehensive examination. Certification is maintained through successful completion of a re-certification examination every five years. The Certification Board of Infection Control and Epidemiology, Inc. (CBIC®) administers the exam certifying individuals as Certified in Infection Control (CIC”). The purpose of the certification process is to protect the public by providing standardized measurement of current basic knowledge needed for persons practicing infection control; encouraging individual growth and study, thereby promoting professionalism among infection prevention and control professionals; and formally recognizing infection prevention and control professionals who fulfill the requirements for certification. Individuals who earn their CIC® credential join approximately 5,000 practitioners worldwide who are...
Physician Privilege Determination at Madison Memorial Hospital Rexburg, Idaho – December 12, 2016. For the community’s information, Madison Memorial Hospital provides the following information to the public about how the hospital determines which physicians and other healthcare providers practice medicine within the hospital, and the process by which those decisions are made. Permission to admit patients to the hospital, or to provide treatments or perform procedures, is granted in the form of “privileges.” As this implies, practicing within the hospital is not a right, nor a guarantee, but a privilege, which must be applied for by the practitioner. Practitioners of various specialties are granted permission to provide treatments only within the specific scope of their training, education, and clinical competence, which must be proven prior to the granting of privileges. Applications for privileges are reviewed by a body of physician representatives, who are elected by their peers. After receiving information...

Madison Memorial Hospital would like to thank their Radiology Technologists! These employees exceed patient Expectations by providing quality driven Exceptional service in their interactions. They love helping each patient and treat them like a guest in their home. Their talent radiates to ensure the guests are getting the best care while putting each guest at ease. Recently, a young guest came in for a difficult exam. The Technologists was able to connect with the guest quickly, soon the guest was relaxed and comfortable during the exam. Thank you for your outstanding service to our community! To enjoy a virtual visit to this impressive Radiology Department, click below!

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