Perry Shumway

Madisonhealth Blog

A new baby is taking his first breaths of life with this new year at Madison this morning. This baby is called Charlie Clyde and he is perfect, has all of his life ahead of him, and he is anxious to learn and to grow. Cicely and Trevor are the center of this baby’s life. He loves them, and they will be the main people that he trusts and relies on potentially forever. His lips and nose come from Cicely, and the size of his feet and long fingers come from Trevor. As a first time father with a 16-month daughter, I have learned a few things about babies to include in my aspirations for this new year. Babies are loving. When I come home, I receive a big gum revealing smile. Then she wants me to be a part of her life, and jabbers nonsense to me or pulls me to play with her. Babies...

A Caring Heart

This Christmas season Madison employees 576 individuals. Our team includes individuals from all walks of life and beliefs.  As Christmas arrives co-workers collaborate and formulate plans together to Give.

Families in our community have been excellent receivers from generous giving. One may expect a doctor or a nurse to give more because they may have more. However, giving is a priority regardless of position.

One housekeeper wanted to give but had no money. He asked if he could work a shift and have the hospital donate the proceeds to a Christmas family, but we were not set up to do that. Eventually, the housekeeper saved some money to contribute. This housekeeper and others like him are some of the wealthiest in heart. A giving heart is filled with gratitude, joy, and abundance.



May each of us be lost in joy from giving more of ourselves this season. Merry Christmas!   


Polar Express 

Come Welcome the Holiday Season with a ride on our Polar Express!!!

December 1st until 6 pm. 

Maintain No Gain

Why is it that many new years resolutions include a goal to lose weight? To kick off our Nutrition Class Friday from 12:00 – 12:30 pm in the Meeting Room, our dietitian Carol Atchison will be helping you know what and how to cook for the holidays to maintain the same weight and still celebrate. Come Join Us!


Madison Memorial Hospital is joining with the American Diabetes Association for today’s National Healthy Lunch Day. Today is all about celebrating the importance of good nutrition and its role in lowering your risk for type 2 diabetes and heart disease. So, together, let’s start making healthier lunch choices today to feel our best. We will be at the Paragon with the Family Feud game and handouts with ideas. To raise awareness, share photos of you and your colleagues and your food choices on social media as you take part in today’s fun activities—and use this hashtag: #HealthyLunchDay. Need tips for healthy choices when eating out? We’ve got you covered. 8 Lunchtime Tips for Eating Out If you don’t have a cafeteria or time to bring a healthy lunch from home, follow these eat right tips: 1. If you can, choose restaurants with healthier menu options and order those options. 2....

A Special Thanks today for all those that have served our beloved nation! May we continue to recognize them each year with events such as the one the Rexburg’s Chamber of Commerce, businesses, and volunteers organized today. Well Done!

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