Perry Shumway

Madisonhealth Blog

 “Broaden your definition of learning.”  “Refine your existing skills. Are you already good at fly fishing? Computers? Teaching? Playing saxophone? Hone these skills and take them to the next level…. Try new things, both inside and outside your preferred skill areas.” It’s Back-to-School Time!  Do we remember the anxious excitement and anticipation of that first day of school?  Seeing friends again after a summer vacation, a new outfit, new lockers, new teachers?  The list goes on and on!  Oh, the enthusiasm of youth! Remember: “There is no end to education.  It is not that you read a book, pass an examination, and finish with education.  The whole of life, from the moment you are born to the moment you die, is a process of learning.”  Jiddu Krishnamurti, international speaker and lecturer.  What you learn is part and parcel of who you are.  Keep in mind that your successful life is...
“A smile starts on the lips, A grin spreads to the eyes, A chuckle comes from the belly; But a good laugh bursts forth from the soul, Overflows, and bubbles all around.” Carolyn Birmingham “I have seen what a laugh can do. It can transform almost unbearable tears into something bearable, even hopeful. ” Bob Hope (1903-2003); Comedian, Actor “Today a man knocked on my door and asked for a small donation towards the local swimming pool. I gave him a glass of water.…” Q. What do you call a cow with no legs? A. Ground beef…. Corny? I know  But did YOU know: “Research has shown that the health benefits of laughter are far-ranging. While more studies need to be done, studies so far have shown that laughter can help relieve pain, bring greater happiness, and even increase immunity.” Elizabeth Scott, M.S. The 10 Reasons Why Laughing Is...

“Make it a habit to tell people thank you. To express your appreciation, sincerely and without the expectation of anything in return. Truly appreciate those around you, and you’ll soon find many others around you. Appreciate life, and you’ll find that you have more of it.”
Ralph Marston, Founder of “The Daily Motivator”

Every position in our organization is valuable, each individual matters!

We are excited to invite you to this year’s Employee Picnic and Water Party at Rexburg Rapids. Employees, Physicians, and immediate family are invited. Please RSVP immediately to make sure we reserve your ticket and have your meal ready for you.


We have also made it easy for you to invite your colleagues that you have friend on facebook. We look forward to seeing each of you at this fun summer event!!!



MMH Basketball Team

Congratulations to the Madison Memorial Basketball team for winning the 2013 City League Championship.  Since 2011 Madison Memorial Hospital has participated in the City League Basketball Tournament.  Various teams from the community compete for a chance to claim the ridiculously large traveling trophy.  Since the tournament began MMH has won two of the three Championships.

In response to Madison County’s centennial Fourth of July parade. Madison Memorial Hospital assembled a parade entry called, a Ride through Time. This float took the sweepstakes. We were the best looking float with over fifty bike riders and an awesome float.


We send out a warm thank you for the hours donated by volunteers, the float committee, Sticks and Stones & Madison Memorial Hospital Foundation who helped us purchase bike helmets and help with our bike checks. Another special thanks to the Rexburg Police and the Madison County emergency response team with the bike safety training event. We love being a part of this community!

Kids Bike Safety Training at Madison Memorial Hospital

Train your kids this year with Bike safety at the Madison Memorial Hospital Parking Lot. June 29th, between 10 Am to 12 Pm.  First 100 kids at the event who commit to ride in the 4th of July parade with us will get a free helmet voucher (ages 4-12) and material to decorate their bikes. When they present their voucher before the parade, they will receive their helmet and ride with us in the parade. Madison Fire Department and Sticks and Stones will also be helping with the bike checks and safety training. We’d like to thank Sticks and Stones for co-sponsoring the helmets with our Foundation!



Madison Memorial Hospital Installs State’s First Hospital Automated Prescription Drug Dispenser: Offers Patients Unprecedented New Level of Care and Convenience Rexburg, Idaho – Madison Memorial Hospital  offers InstyMeds, a fully automated ATM-style machine that dispenses prescription medications directly to patients immediately before leaving the hospital ER. The system, the first of its kind in any hospital in Idaho, offers a safe, convenient way for patients to receive their prescription medications.   “This new system offers patients of the hospital the opportunity to get their prescriptions filled when the local retail pharmacies are closed,”  says Dorsie Sullenger, Director of Pharmacy.  “InstyMeds allows them to get a full course of their prescribed medication so they can concentrate on their healing process at home.   We believe this will enhance patient compliance and provide a much needed service for after hour pharmacy dispensing.   The InstyMeds system automates the entire process from the prescriber...
Madison Memorial Family Maternity Center Renovation Virtual Tour of the new Family Maternity Center    Since October 2012, Madison Memorial Hospital’s Family Maternity Center has been under construction.  They have not added on any additional labor and delivery suites, but have completely renovated the facility and its furnishings.  They conducted an Open House on May 1, 2013 from 6pm until 8pm for the public. They are also renovating the south entrance by implementing a canopied temporary parking area for patient safety and a more convenient access to the facility. This phase of the project was available for the Open House but will continue its construction for completion in June.  The entire project will cost approximately $1.9 million dollars.  Madison Memorial Hospital delivered nearly  1500 babies last year.  With the increasing population of Brigham Young University-Idaho, the hospital has seen a comparable increase over the last several years in the numbers...
Teddy Bear Clinic held at Madison Memorial Hospital Students Learn Through the Experience of Their Teddy Bear Madison Memorial invited all the elementary schools within the hospital’s service area to have their second-graders attend as a field-trip. Parents were also welcome to meet students at the hospital or arrange with their child’s teacher to accompany them on the field-trip. The purpose of the Teddy Bear Clinic is to provide an educational opportunity for students and help increase their comfort within a medical setting. Students will learn about health, poison control, immunizations, DARE and numerous safety and medical issues that are experienced by their stuffed animal as a patient.   Highlights of the Clinic will include a tour through the Emergency Room, a climb inside an ambulance, hand washing, and many more information-packed stations. Numerous staff and volunteers were there to assist and ensure a positive experience. Each child received a...

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