Perry Shumway
Madisonhealth Blog
Madison’s Beloved Jack Law Retires After a Quarter Century of Service
Jack Law, Madison Memorial’s Biomedical Engineer shares some of his journey from the last quarter-century of service at Madison Memorial following his retirement party. Some of the most interesting things that we learned from Jack’s insight include caring for the patient, co-workers, and the guests always at Madison. This inspirational attitude has helped Jack to remain constant in his service caring for everyone as part of fulfilling the mission of the hospital. After a quarter-century of unselfish sacrifice and service, Jack feels that he is a better man because of his time at Madison Memorial. He has felt the sweetness that comes as we care for those in need. He readily includes others in his family and friend group. This gives him the dedication and service leading to excellence in care with every patient all the time.
To date, Madison Memorial has given more than 10,000 COVID vaccine doses. Additionally, 78% of our own staff are now fully vaccinated.
A huge THANK YOU to the following people, who helped make this happen:
- Madison Memorial’s quality assurance team
- Dozens of our nurses and staff
- BYU-Idaho
- Madison Cares
- Madison School District 321
- Sugar-Salem School District 322
- Seasons Medical
- Rexburg Medical Clinic
- Bench Mark
- Volunteers from the local community
We have all felt the effects of COVID-19 beyond the virus itself, but these people have worked tirelessly to help protect our community against even harder struggles.
If you haven’t gotten vaccinated yet, please visit your local pharmacy today. Until then, prevent the spread by wearing a mask in public.
The CDC recommends all people wear masks in healthcare facilities. Also, if you’re feeling sick, please stay home.
Thanks to our wonderful community, for all of your support.
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