A Healthy You

Madisonhealth Blog

We are starting a new daily segment with tips on how to get healthier in little ways as well as including any upcoming wellness events! Today’s is about keeping a positive outlook.

If you find it difficult to be optimistic, here is a great resource to help: https://psychcentral.com/blog/top-10-free-mental-health-apps#list

Biggest Loser kickoff with a walk in the park

  • May 14, 2015 (Thursday)
  • 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM
  • Location: Smith Park

Come enjoy co-workers and friends and walk a lap or two around the park. Fruit, vegetables, and water will be provided.


A special thanks to Similac, our Bronze sponsor to the Women for the Community Wellness Weekend!

Enjoy this free event, click below!

Reserve Your Spot

Calm, Peaceful, & Relaxed with Nurse Lisa (Hypno-Certified) 

Master relaxation to help you reach your goals, ideal weight, and loftier heights in life. 

Join us!

Wednesday from 11:30 am – 12:00 pm

 Steiner Conference Room

Refocus on Health ? Interestingly enough, many Insurance costs tend to increase each year. We thought it would be beneficial for you to understand what is considered when our carriers are determining our rates and why MMH has had to pass some of the increase on to you.  It is not a decision that is made lightly, and the information below explains in detail some of the background that goes into that determination. Each year the Insurance Carrier forecasts what carrying Insurance for us will cost them, based on some of the following information: 1)  The total dollar amount paid by the Insurance Carrier on claims we incurred. 2)  The total dollar amount paid by the Insurance Carrier on Prescriptions filled. 3)  The dollar amount associated with on-going claims that are projected to carry over year-to-year. Once that has been determined, the proposed rates must also take into account the new...
Learn more about your heart It is very important to learn the signs of a heart attack. Fast action can save lives—maybe even your own. Chest pain or discomfort—it may feel like pressure or a squeezing pain in your chest. It may feel like indigestion. You may also feel pain in your shoulders, arms, neck, jaw, or back. Shortness of breath—often comes along with chest discomfort but can also occur before. Other symptoms—breaking out in a cold sweat, nausea, or light-headedness, upper body discomfort in one or both arms, the neck, jaw, or stomach Most heart attacks happen when a clot in the coronary artery blocks the supply of blood and oxygen to the heart. A blockage that is not treated within a few hours causes the affected heart muscle to die. Stress and Heart Health When you’ve got an unexpected bill, a dead car battery or family trouble on...

Public Health Awareness Alert

 Music Far From Home I’ve always used music as my own personal salve for things that are “ailing” me. It calms me when I’m stressed, it picks me up when I’m down, it soothes pain when I ache and it helps me forget the world when I need to escape. It’s a beautiful gift from God that I am eternally grateful for. Until today, I didn’t realize the effect that my music could have on others. I had a hectic morning in Medical Records and decided to play the Foyer Piano for my lunch break. I needed the Calm. As I was finishing, I decided to play one more piece. I had already skipped over “Bring Him Home” from the musical Les Miserables several times, but something told me this was the piece I needed to finish with. When I finished, I stood up, put the bench in place and stepped...

Cinderella Baby –

Hear about Holly & Blake’s first baby delivery after 22 years & 2 adoptions.

Prepared by Lucas Handy

Perception, our Reality – A different take on an old line from a poem by Sir Walter Scott:  “Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to PERCEIVE”. The word “deceive” has been replaced by the word “perceive”. What is the difference?  Really, not a great amount when the perception is not the truth of the situation.  An erroneous perception communicated to another becomes a deception. When it comes to our customers, patients and their families, their perception is their truth, and we must always honor that.    However, so often, when it comes to our co-workers, our perception is false.  One of the goals in our MMH Values is Respect and Caring. That value contains this statement:  “Respect one another for who they are by celebrating positive attributes…Consistently demonstrate a ‘we’ attitude striving to build relationships through cooperative efforts”.   It is so very important in our workplace...

– Wellness in Body, Spirit, and Mind – 

The wellness committee at Madison found that an occasional Jean’s Day increases employee morale. Hence tomorrow, Friday (the last day of January), you may find many of Madison employees working in their jeans.

Winters in Madison County can be long and cold, which may result in depression, vitamin D deficiency, and weight gain. Our goal at Madison is to not only have a healthy employee workforce, but to have a healthy community. Hence Madison has designed a wellness program for this.

If you have any ideas that you’d like to share with us to help boost the Madison Wellness Program please answer the question below, then submit it.   

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