Wellness Events

Madisonhealth Blog

Be a surgeon today with our new Da Vinci Surgical System from 2-7pm at Madison Memorial Hospital.

da Vinci SURGICAL SYSTEM open house for the public is today, (10-26), from 2-7 pm.

Posted by Madison Memorial Hospital on Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Officials from Madison Memorial Hospital today announced a new affiliation with Salt Lake City-based Huntsman Cancer Institute at the University of Utah that will extend the resources of a premier cancer center to Madison County and the surrounding communities. This opportunity offers clinical best practices, research advantage, and educational resources. It also provides the best possible access to cancer care for our community, and positions Madison Memorial for greater success in today’s rapidly evolving healthcare environment. This agreement provides life-changing benefits to patients as Madison Memorial will have access to the resources and clinical expertise of a top-ranked, academic, medical center. Huntsman Cancer Institute will provide staff development and business efficiency with educational opportunities and operating efficiencies connected with the large cancer center. Both organizations emphasize the affiliation does not change ownership, local control, and governance, or restrict patient choice in providers. Instead, both organizations are dedicated to the best care for the cancer victim while remaining in their...
Relay for Life Don’t miss the race for a cure Saturday, June 11th from 12 – 10 pm Madison Jr. High track. Come join us or dedicate a luminaria in a memory of a loved one who had or was affected by cancer. While the American Cancer Society is making progress toward a world without cancer, only with your dedication and fundraising efforts can we finish the fight against the disease. With your help, we aren’t just fighting one type of cancer we’re fighting for every birthday threatened by every cancer in every community. Each person who shares the Relay For Life experience can take pride in knowing that they are working to create a world where this disease will no longer threaten our loved ones or rob anyone of another birthday. Make sure your team members and donors understand how important their contributions are by sharing how their support is...

April showers bring May flowers, which means summertime is just around the corner!

We interviewed Dr. Daniel Marshall, a local dermatologist who performed over 500 skin cancer surgeries last year alone. He talked about sunscreen, tanning beds, skin cancer and more! Check out the interview down below.

Are you struggling with getting healthy? Join us as Amber Flex shares with us her tips on how to get motivated and how being healthy can be fun.

Don’t miss out on this exciting event! We’ll see you there!

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Meeting Room

11:30am-12:30pm (bring your lunch!)


Welcome to the world, Clayton! It takes the earth 365.25 days to orbit the sun. A leap year occurs to help synchronize the calendar year with the solar year every fourth year. The chance of being born on leap day, February 29th, is only 1/1460 or .0006%. Madison Memorial Hospital welcomes almost half a dozen angels today, the first of which is this sweet boy named Clayton. You are one lucky boy, and we are lucky to help you begin your journey. We love you.


A Beating Heart is a Blessing; cherish it by taking care of it. A Heart Screening is a way of taking care of yourself. Heart Screenings determine if you have a heart problem, and what specific treatments are necessary. Regular Heart Screenings allow your doctor to understand your heart conditions, and help you. Doctors recommend everyone getting preventative heart screenings annually after the age of 45 for men and 50 for women. 

Some of the most common benefits of heart screenings provided by emedicinehealth.com are as follow:

  • Check your heart’s electrical system
  • Check how well your heart valves are working
  • Check your pacemaker or other implanted device
  • See if your heart can handle more exercise

A heart screening can prevent a potential heart attack. Take charge of your Heart-Health today and get your heart screened.




Many people know that the diet affects the heart, and who doesn’t want a healthy heart? It can be hard to change eating habits, but certainly, it’s not impossible. Here are eight steps from Mayo Clinic to prevent heart disease. 1.Control your portion size How much you eat is just as important as what you eat! Be cautious of overloading you plate or eating till you’re stuffed. Try using a smaller plate or bowl to control your portions. 2. Eat More Fruits and Vegetables Fruits and vegetables are a good source of vitamins and minerals. They are low in calorie, but high in other dietary needs that may help prevent cardiovascular disease. 3. Select Whole Grains Whole grains have lots of fiber and can help regulate blood pressure and heart health. 4. Limit Unhealthy Fats Watch out for saturated and Trans fat in the items you eat. It will help reduce...

Heart-Healthy Exercises The Idea of exercising everyday sounds amazing, but in reality, doing it seems hard. I am sure we all have found ourselves occupied with anything and everything else but exercise. Most of us start a fitness plan by purchasing a pair of new running shoes or exercise equipment, which usually stay unused. It’s time to change our habits and mindset. Please know that you are not the only one who struggles with it; in this we are all together. We don’t have to do an intense workout, such as running a marathon. It all starts with small and simple steps. Below are some helpful guidelines provided by Cancer.org about how to perform those activities without the hassle of going to the gym: Take a walk outside if it’s a nice day, or walk inside around the house if it isn’t. Walk fast enough to speed up your heart...

On February 25, the hospital will be hosting a wellness activity focusing on yoga. The first class will be held at 10 am at the billing office and the next will be held at 1 pm at the hospital’s meeting room. Bring your yoga mat or towel and come learn more about yoga and experience for yourself what it can do for you! Yoga is: “any of the methods or disciplines prescribed, especially a series of postures and breathing exercises practiced to achieve control of the body and mind, tranquillity, etc…” (dictionary.com). People who aren’t familiar with yoga tend to think it’s bending your body in crazy ways and shapes–which it definitely can be! But the truth is there’s so much more to yoga. Yoga keeps us physically and mentally healthy. It helps us journey inward to understand ourselves better. It helps us find peace and serenity in our lives. I’ve been practicing yoga for over four years now and have come across many people who are intimidated by yoga. Something I often hear is, “I’m...

   Heart Screening Overflow will be March 19th. (spots still available)   The leading cause of death in Madison County is cardiovascular disease. Fortunately, this condition can be prevented or delayed. Madison Memorial Hospital is here to keep you healthy! On February 27th we are offering our annual preventative care screening for only $90, a small fraction of the normal price, to help everyone! These screenings are cash, check, or card basis; or you may complete a payroll deduction, and it will not be billed to the insurance. This will be open until appointments are filled. Call 208-359-9800 We have joined with Idaho Heart Institute to offer this screening to provide you with information that will help you make the right decisions for your life. Each of the screenings below will help determine your heart disease risk: • Stroke screening Ultrasound: Checks for narrowing and blockages of the main arteries...

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