Perry Shumway

Madisonhealth Blog

Refocus on Health ? Interestingly enough, many Insurance costs tend to increase each year. We thought it would be beneficial for you to understand what is considered when our carriers are determining our rates and why MMH has had to pass some of the increase on to you.  It is not a decision that is made lightly, and the information below explains in detail some of the background that goes into that determination. Each year the Insurance Carrier forecasts what carrying Insurance for us will cost them, based on some of the following information: 1)  The total dollar amount paid by the Insurance Carrier on claims we incurred. 2)  The total dollar amount paid by the Insurance Carrier on Prescriptions filled. 3)  The dollar amount associated with on-going claims that are projected to carry over year-to-year. Once that has been determined, the proposed rates must also take into account the new...

 Health Event this Week

“Stress, Health, and Weight” – By Stephen Fletcher, Owner of Rocky Mountain EAP (Marriage and Family Counseling)

12:00 PM Friday, March 20th in the Meeting Room

1. 51.49% Of Employees Strongly Agree, or Agree that Depression and/or Anxiety affect their lives

2. 35.29% Of Employees Strongly Agree or Agree they practice some type of stress management on a regular basis

Prepared by Lucas

Madison Memorial Hospital has lost 525 pounds during the last seven weeks of our Biggest Loser Contest. This week the winner was Toni. We asked Toni what she did to keep losing weight in the contest. Here’s what she said- Congratulations Toni!!! I was dealing with a sick husband for the last 3 weeks, and when he improved stress dropped out of my life resulting in a loss of 4 pounds. This contest has kept reminding me that I need to eat right and exercise a little. If you go past IT at 2:00 in the afternoon, you’ll be exercising. At 10 and 2 they do aerobics for however long a song lasts (3-4 minutes). They encourage everyone to participate. When things don’t go the way you want them to, just keep going. Never give up. Come to the Stress – Weight – Health class this Friday at noon in the meeting room to learn from...
Up to week six, Madison Memorial Hospital lost 487 pounds in the Biggest Loser Contest. We missed recognizing last weeks winner. The winner of week 6 was Susie! We asked Susie what she did to keep losing weight this far into in the competition. Congratulations Susie!!!   Susie believes that this competition has really brought everyone closer here at Madison Memorial. She has worked here at Madison Memorial for the last 16 years. The friendships that we have has really brought us together to help each other work together to better ourselves. She mentioned that her weight loss has been like the stock market exchanges when it is a bear (downward trending) economy. However, in this case, the downward trend makes her feel like her life is looking really good. Some weeks she would lose and some weeks she would gain. But as long as the overall weight loss trend was continuing in a downward motion she has...
Getting Healthy Madison Memorial Hospital has lost 460 pounds during the last five weeks of our Biggest Loser Contest. Our biggest loser this past week was Kaylynn. How did she do it? This was her comment about the Biggest Loser Contest, “This contest has been fun and challenging so far – it’s provided me with a great opportunity to be more focused on doing better for myself and my health. I’ve found myself discouraged a few times, but I know this is about long-term improvement so I’m going to keep at it! I love to see the numbers on the scale go down, but more than that I love being able to jump on the trampoline with my kids, going to Zumba class and having a great time, and climbing to the top of the butte without passing out. We’ve got 6 more weeks left in this contest to really kick things up...
American Heart Health Month comes to a close, wear red tomorrow. We will be holding a Heart Screening Clinic on February 28th Click on the link to call and schedule your appointment. (Spots are filled for February, only 20 more slots available March 21st) If you’ve missed some of this month’s activities dealing with heart health here’s what you have missed: We started the month off with “Eating Healthy With Carol”  Where we learned the benefits of eating healthy and EATING OUR FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Click on the picture for more info.           We also had Gwen’s “Secrets to Winning the Biggest Loser Contest” In this presentation, we learned what kind of diet and exercise everyone should adhere to and how to avoid insulin resistance and possible heart problems. Here’s a copy of all of the handouts that have helped several of our Biggest Loser winners over the last few...
Getting Healthy Madison Memorial Hospital has lost 452 pounds during the last four weeks of our Biggest Loser Contest. Our biggest loser this past week was Janet. Janet lost 3.5% of her body weight last week. How did she do it? Congratulations Janet!!! Janet has worked for Madison Memorial Hospital for 31 years. She struggles with diabetes, blood clots, and high blood pressure. Her excess weight prohibits her from many activities and aggravates health issues. One of the biggest changes that she feels like contributes to her overall success is replacing pop with water. Her favorite pop is Diet Sunkist Orange. Her treats are now replaced with Naartjies (for further enlightenment ask Audrey Fletcher). The next step Janet has taken is becoming more active. She has a parking permit for handicap parking but now prefers to park further away in order to stay active. She has been on a walker for 7 years. One of the things that...

with Dietitian Carol, Assistant & Chef – Wade & Matt

Friday February 27th – Meeting Room

11:30 am- 12:15 pm

Mediterranean Diet Benefits at Madison Memorial Hospital


Here’s a visual of our progress thus far on our goal of 1800 pounds

This week we lost a total of 54.3 pounds.
3 pounds more than last week!

New “Club Ortho” at Madison Memorial Seeing an increasing need of total hip and knee replacements, Madison has implemented a comprehensive “pre-habilitation” program to assist patients in this process. The program is called “Club Ortho” and its purpose is to help restore optimal comfort, independence, and health for patients. What does this new program mean for you and those that you love? It means that the very best orthopedic care is available to you, without having to travel far from home. It means that if you are suffering from muscle or joint pain, the orthopedic surgeons together with Madison Memorial Hospital will strive, to not only give you the relief you deserve, but also get you transitioned from the hospital and back to your life – as soon as possible. The Club Ortho program is designed to help ensure a quicker recovery. At Madison Memorial, we believe the patient plays an invaluable role in ensuring a successful recovery. We...
Eyes on the Prize Madison Memorial Hospital has lost almost 400 pounds during the last three weeks. Our biggest loser this past week was Samantha with a  2.4% drop in her body mass. How did she do it? In her own words, Samantha explained what she did below: Congratulations Samantha!!! “I’ve been watching what I’m eating and making sure that I eat breakfast and work out 3 days a week or more.” She has also found some success in counting calories and waking up early. As with all goals and lifestyle changes we need something or someone to motivate us. Her sister Heidi is her motivation, Heidi also works here at the hospital in HIM. After attending Gwen’s meeting two weeks ago she has been trying to complete the healthy eating recommendations. Besides going to Gwen’s meeting on “Secrets on Winning the Biggest Loser”  she attended Dirks “Creative with Exercise Bands”.  She shared some...
Rexburg, ID – In lieu of their receiving an annual appreciation gift from Madison Memorial Hospital, Healthcare providers have requested to have the funds donated to Sugar Salem High School. This was the second year local physicians have donated their appreciation gift funds to our local schools to help supply their science labs with upgraded equipment.  Sugar-Salem High School was the recipient of $1800.00 to help purchase a DigiVu 3.0 research digital microscope. The school will also be able to fund dissection specimens. This microscope will allow the images to be saved on computers allowing them to be studied beyond just the time they are being viewed.   “On behalf of MMH, we thank our local physicians for their generosity to our schools.  These funds have been a great boost to their science programs, says Crystal Watson, Medical Staff Manager at MMH.  Dr. Steven Lofgren represented the Medical Staff by presenting Sugar-Salem High School with the...
Heart Screening Helps Shari Last Year during Heart Month, February, Shari felt completely healthy. However, she decided to participate in the health screening at the hospital. The results showed a problem. After additional testing was done by her doctor, she was immediately admitted to the hospital for two days and two nights to start thinning her blood. Her heart was beating irregularly because of a p-wave problem that can lead to atrial fibrillation (AF). AF increases the heartbeats and heart attacks and strokes. She would like to tell those folks that don’t want to get pre-screening, that their quality of life will improve by preventing strokes and heartaches by participating in preventative care screenings. In retrospect, the only thing that she realized was that she was a little more tired than usual. To correct Afib, doctors will try to get her heart to beat regularly. If the medication prescribed doesn’t help, then her heart could be shocked. From the...

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