Perry Shumway

Madisonhealth Blog

Mental Health “Our attitudes control our lives.  Attitudes are a secret power working twenty-four hours a day, for good or bad.  It is of paramount importance that we know how to harness and control this great force.”  By Irving Berlin, a Russian immigrant to the United States– widely considered to be one of the greatest songwriters in American history.  Some of his more well-known songs were “White Christmas”, “There’s No Business Like Show Business”, “God Bless America”, and “Always”. From the New York Times best-seller, “The Reality-Based Rules of the Workplace: Know What Boosts Your Value, Kills Your Chances, and Will Make You Happier” by Cy Wakeman: “What does it mean to be “reality based”? Being reality-based is all about ditching the drama, because most of the drama in our lives has nothing to do with reality.  It’s the story we make up about reality.  For instance, if my boss...
Alma & Lydia Larsen Recently, Madison’s Family Maternity Center was named the Larsen Family Maternity Center in honor of Alma & Lydia Larsen. The Larsens generously contributed to the Madison Foundation for this naming opportunity. The foundation uses these funds to better serve the health needs of our community with our hospital. A few examples include the Family Maternity Center’s canopied entrance with heated sidewalks to keep families safe as they enter. Funds also were used to supply the Maternity Center with new and additional equipment. The generosity of the Larsen family not only honored their grandparents with this naming opportunity, but will bless children from around the world who are born at our specialized delivery center.   Alma & Lydia carried a legacy of faith, service, sacrifice, and dedication to their family and this community. Alma and his parents, who were Norwegian immigrants, were among the first settlers in the Rexburg area. Alma married...

Emergency Department Progress


Madison Memorial Hospital is pleased to see our partnership with University of Utah progress for our Emergency Department. Follow the interview with Doctor Jay and Doctor Wells.

Emergency Department Progress, Madison Memorial Hospital


Healthy Eating  “Healthy eating is not about strict dietary limitations, staying unrealistically thin, or depriving yourself of the foods you love. Rather, it’s about feeling great, having more energy, and stabilizing your mood. If you feel overwhelmed by all the conflicting nutrition and diet advice out there, you’re not alone. It seems that for every expert who tells you a certain food is good for you, you’ll find another saying exactly the opposite. But by using these simple tips, you can cut through the confusion and learn how to create a tasty, varied, and healthy diet. – From  Healthy eating tip 1:  Set yourself up for success  To set yourself up for success, think about planning a healthy diet as a number of small, manageable steps rather than one big drastic change.  If you approach the changes gradually and with commitment, you will have a healthy diet sooner than you...
Flood Emergency Preparedness Yesterday we had a flash flood in Rexburg. This quiz is designed to help you determine if you were prepared with the knowledge to act. What is the number one disaster killer in the United States? Fire Tornado Earthquake Flood During a flood, you use a gas pump to help empty basements. What is the biggest risk you are taking? Contaminated Water Foundation Risks Additional Flooding Carbon Monoxide Staying hydrated is important. How will you stay hydrated during a flood? Regular tap water Drinking Fountain Bottled water Flood Water Which of the following is not a major risk during a flood? Turn on your stereo system so it echoes across the water Put on your swimsuit then play in the water Driving through the flooded streets Discuss your concerns with others If you hire cleanup or repair contractors do all of the following except: Check References Be...
  Penny Retires Honest Hearts Produce Honest Actions depicts the work of our retiring NICU Nurse Penny who has worked at Madison for 33 years. She is the oldest of eight children and enjoys taking care of people. She also loves working with the babies.  One of her favorite memories is watching parents interact with their new children. Special feelings are shared, and it is fun to witness and be a part of these sweet memories. Her recommendations for the continuing healthcare team are the following: 1. Be a Team Player 2. Enjoy what you are doing 3. Enjoy interacting with people Penny claims that it has been fun, but there comes a time to move on to better things. She plans on fishing, camping, and spending a lot of time with her grandkids. Her husband also hopes to enjoy their golden years together. She will stay busy and is currently hosting her family reunion. As a healthcare team, we thank you for your tender, dedicated...
 Remember Our America I appreciate those who have served our country, including my brother and two brothers-in-law who were in the Navy during World War II. I have a love for America that was ingrained in me from the time I was a young boy. My father was born in Australia and his family immigrated here as did my maternal grandparents who came from Sweden. My grandfather, Francis D. Horman walked across the plains of Wyoming to Utah with a company of Utah Pioneers. Can you believe that I knew my great-aunt, Annie Horman Green who was a little girl in that wagon train? They came here because America was the land of opportunity. They came because of the freedoms we enjoy and sometimes take for granted. I am truly grateful to live in the United States of America. May God continue to bless America. – Fred S. My heart...
Madison Pulse Employee Summer Party • July 30, 2014 • 6-8 PM • Rexburg Rapids • Employee and Immediate Family only • Tickets available through Janet Thomas in Administration – must have a ticket to be admitted • The meal and the Pool passes will be provided by MMH in appreciation of our employees RSVP [email protected] for Employee Summer Party New Hires Sara D – NICU Rachel M – LDR Candice K – Med/Surg Halley P – Environ. Serv. Morgan A. – Med/Surg Rachel H – Environ. Serv. Kariann E – Environ. Serv. Presley H – Environ. Serv. Aubry R – Admitting Brittanee Y – Respiratory Join the Book Club (July) This month we will be having a ‘Hospital Book Club’. The book that has been selected is ‘The Last Lecture’ by Randy Pausch. The book will be available in the wellness store. All employees are invited to participate and at the end of...
 Music Far From Home I’ve always used music as my own personal salve for things that are “ailing” me. It calms me when I’m stressed, it picks me up when I’m down, it soothes pain when I ache and it helps me forget the world when I need to escape. It’s a beautiful gift from God that I am eternally grateful for. Until today, I didn’t realize the effect that my music could have on others. I had a hectic morning in Medical Records and decided to play the Foyer Piano for my lunch break. I needed the Calm. As I was finishing, I decided to play one more piece. I had already skipped over “Bring Him Home” from the musical Les Miserables several times, but something told me this was the piece I needed to finish with. When I finished, I stood up, put the bench in place and stepped...

Winning the Battle Against Cancer


Bryan offers insight about becoming positive while his body is poisoned to eliminate cell duplication of possible cancer cells. Happy Birthday Bryan. We love you, and we are glad you are with us. 

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